In a river and bank protection work, safety measures on steep terrains and roadside slopes are required as an urgent task.
MITAC predicts degrees of potential risks in various work sites applying expertise supported by long experience and adopts relevant efficient construction methods to eventually shorten work periods and save costs.
Road and housing land are required to have convenient urban function and while being harmonized with natural environment. MITAC conducts the construction of safe and comfortable road or housing land using advanced construction machinery without hindering urban function. MITAC also contributes to the construction of attractive road, where the users can enjoy natural beauty through the four seasons.
In a long-term dam construction, an appropriate personnel distribution holds the key to smooth execution.
MITAC ensures laborsaving and high-precision accomplishment in a dam construction by deploying and securing excellent personnel.
In current civil engineering and in construction world, more and more clients are demanding safe,secure and efficient construction works supported by a global network. It accelerates the diversification of outsourcing needs. While keeping traditional swiftness and flexibility, we make sure that our services of offering you our cutting-edge construction equipment using them are most effective for mutual construction jobs, that could result into reduced dispensable machines and quick-response to diversified needs.
You may desire to ensure an appropriate number of qualified workers, whether it is on or off
season. You may need to cope with an upscale-or-downscale of project flexibility. You may be
calling for engineers with expertise immediately. We provide a solution for every problem in hu-
man resources, technology and organization, Our strong competence of the latest computer
technology, a steady relationship of mutual trust derived from extensive construction works and
workers with adaptable fighting potential, allows you to revitalize your business, enhance produc-
tivity and reduce a great amount of time for construction. We organize a network connecting 8
locations from Tohoku to Kansai. And we are still aiming for further improvement.